L'approche offsets des grands groupes industriels britanniques

The aim of the study is to analyze how the UK’s biggest industrial groups - defense and aerospace sector - are using the offset techniques as a method to stay competitive on the international market. In order to illustrate our view, two companies have been chosen: BAE Systems, one of the world leaders in the defense sector, and Rolls-Royce plc, the second biggest manufacturer of aircraft engines. The study is focusing on 4 representative examples on how offsets are dealt in contracts: Saudi Arabia, South Africa, India, and the United-States. These companies are supported by the United-Kingdom by applying their official offset policy, inward and outward, with the help of the matching institutions. The main clients are foreign Governments. Nowadays, those Governments almost all have an offset policy. Thus the primary value of a contract has to be balanced by direct or indirect investments, or by any other forms of local investments from the supplier. The offset obligations, becoming more and more important, the companies have to be innovative in their way to involve their sub-contractors. The offsets are also a way to create business opportunities to reach their strategic international goals on a long term basis. From this analysis, recommendations are made on how the French companies can be inspired by the British companies in order to reinforce their international positions.

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