La Grèce se penche sur la guerre de l’information

La problématique de la guerre de l’information devient un enjeu. En témoignage le texte d’annonce de cette conférence qui va se tenir les 1 et 2 juillet 2010 à Thessalonique. Elle porte à la fois sur les problèmes de propagande dans les conflits militaires que sur les aspects du contenant de la cyberguerre, c’est-à-dire les attaques informatiques, les virus et le hacking. Elle est annoncée comme la neuvième conférence de ce type. Elle est de fait un des pions du système d’influence anglo-saxon sur la question et réunit des experts, des universitaires et des représentants d’institution.

Voici les thèmes abordés dans ce colloque :

  • The role of the enemy in war propaganda,

  • Changing security environment: from nation states to corporation security,

  • Cyber conflicts,

  • Technical intelligence gathering and counterfeiting,

  • Manage and implement security strategies and issues at enterprise levels.

Il suffit de lire le pedigree de ces experts pour comprendre qui manage en sous-main ces colloques où la présence française est réduite à la présence d’Eric Adrien Filiol, ancien officier de l’armée française, spécialisé dans la cryptographie.

Kevin Henry
Kevin Henry is recognized as one of the worldwide Leaders in the field of Information Assurance. A Senior Consultant with many years experience Information Security and Audit, Risk Management and Business Continuity, Kevin also has a passion for teaching, being a dynamic and enthusiastic speaker - drawing the audience into the presentation with a wealth of real-life experience, and practical, relevant information. Kevin is employed by Seccuris Inc., a well-known Information Assurance Integrator with a strong reputation for on-time delivery for clients nationwide. Kevin is the co-chair of the CBK committee for the CISSP and several other certifications, as well as an author with published articles in over a dozen books and magazines, Kevin has been responsible for educational systems, products and instructors for major clients such as BCI, IEEE, SCIPP International, and (ISC)2. Kevin is based in Ottawa, Canada.

Dr Andy Jones

Andy Jones has a background in Military intelligence and security research. After completing military service he ran the UK defence research IW group before moving to University to lecture on the subject and to the British Telecommunications Security Research Labs where he continues to carry out research in the area. He also holds a post as an adjunct at Edith Cowan University in Australia.

Professor Steven Furnell
Steven Furnell is the head of the Network Research Group at the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom, and an Adjunct Associate Professor with Edith Cowan University in Western Australia. He specialises in computer security and has been actively researching in the area for fourteen years, with current areas of interest including security management, computer crime, user authentication, and security usability.  Prof. Furnell is a Fellow and Branch Chair of the British Computer Society (BCS), a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and a UK representative in International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) working groups relating to Information Security Management (of which he is the current chair), Network Security, and Information Security Education. He is the author of over 160 papers in refereed international journals and conference proceedings, as well as the books Cybercrime: Vandalizing the Information Society (2001) and Computer Insecurity: Risking the System (2005).   Further details can be found at

Debi Ashenden
Debi is a Senior Research Fellow within the Defence College of Management and Technology at Cranfield University. Prior to taking up this post she was a Managing Consultant within QinetiQ’s Trusted Information Management Department (formerly the Defence Evaluation Research Agency). Specialising in information assurance in general, and risk assessment in particular, other specific areas of interest include building trust for information sharing, governance processes for information assurance and information security awareness. Debi has worked extensively across government, defence and the finance sector as a consultant and her work concentrates on understanding the role of individuals in ensuring that security risks are mitigated. Debi has had a number of articles on information security published, presented at a range of conferences and has co-authored a book for Butterworth Heinemann ‘Risk Management for Computer Security: Protecting Your Network & Information Assets’. Her current research examines the practice of information operations using discourse analysis.

Tim Parsons
Tim is a Senior Manager at Detica, working in the area of Business Resilience. Prior to this position he was Head of Information and Security Systems within the Strategic Business Development group at BAE SYSTEMS Farnborough. Tim has a specific interest in the business and enterprise impact of Information Management issues, Information Assurance and emerging trends across a range of ICT areas. Tim has contributed widely to initiatives across UK Government and to the definition and progression of NATO and EU research programmes in these areas. He has presented internationally in the areas of Information Assurance and Critical Information Infrastructure Protection. Tim is a Chartered Information Technology Professional, a Fellow of the British Computer Society and a member of the Institute of Directors.