Un exemple basique de pratique d’influence collective chez Boeing

Knowckers.org publie le texte d’un Vice-président de Boeing pour « pousser » ses employés à influencer les hommes politiques locaux : de l’influence simple, sans fioritures mais bien organisée en plus des actions habituelles de lobbying du groupe. Ce type de méthode est à intégrer dans la grille de lecture des pratiques anglo-saxonnes. Il s’agit-là d’un bel exemple de pratique d’influence s’inspirant de concepts simples et qui passent médiatiquement et politiquement dans un pays libéral qui revendique la défense des principes de la libre concurrence.


“This message sent to All Huntsville Employees from Tony Jones, VP, Site Operations of Boeing.

The President’s proposed FY10 budget and related defense reductions have resulted in significant impacts to Huntsville and elicited a strong response among our employees. Having invested so much to ensure that our nation can defend itself and its allies against the threat of a long-range ballistic missile attack, our employees have a stake in the future of vital programs like the Ground-based Midcourse Defense program.
More than anyone, our employees understand that GMD is among the most complex and challenging systems in existence. Today, it is operational and manned at all times. To remain ready, the system requires continued investment in development and testing, ensuring a smooth integration with the overall ballistic missile defense system. Below you will find the information many of you have requested regarding how to let your elected officials know that the work you do is important to our nation and our allies. If you, or other members of your family, choose to contact your elected representatives, there are resources below that I hope you find helpful. To contact an elected official by phone, the names and contact information for your district offices are listed below. If you would prefer to use e-mail, please visit this resource web site and follow the prompts to send a letter to your representative. Information, letter templates for email and talking points for phone calls also have been provided at that site. Please remember that all such activities are entirely voluntary and must be conducted on personal time. Talk with your manager if you have questions, review this FAQ , or contact our local Communications office.”


Legislative contacts:
Sen. Richard Shelby
1000 Glenn Hearn Boulevard #20127
Huntsville, AL 35824
Telephone: (256) 772-0460
Fax: (256) 772-8387
Sen. Jeff Sessions
200 Clinton Avenue NW
Regions Center, Suite 802
Huntsville, AL 35801-4932
(256) 533-0979 – Phone
Rep. Parker Griffith
2101 Clinton Avenue West
Huntsville, AL 35805-3109
Telephone: (256) 551-0190
Fax: (256) 551-0194
Rep. Robert Aderholt
Decatur Office:
Morgan County Courthouse, PO Box 668
Decatur, Alabama 35602
Phone: (256) 350-4093
Fax: (256) 350-5056