Save GEMPLUS : Choose EUROPE !

Open letter to the Quandt family

We are writing today to the Quandt family which is handlding Gemplus' future. The 21st of November 2002, there will be a general assembly of Gemplus' shareholders. This meeting will decide if the company become American or stay European. The technological stakes are tremendous for the future of Europe technological heritage. With its position in the asset of Gemplus, the Quandt family has the power to impede the Americans to take over Gemplus.

Representatives of Quandt family, you must choose between doing business and helping with the construction of industrial Europe of tomorrow. In case you would refuse to help Gemplus staying an European company, count on us to advertise your European clients about your decision to serve the American economy instead of the European economy.

Gemplus is more than a private company, it is a full part of the technological heritage of Europe.

For a defensive board of the European interests, INFOGUERRE

If you would like to help GEMPLUS, send an e-mail to save-gemplus@ [email protected] with your name, first name and a valid e-mail address. This approach can succeed : remember the action of Greenpeace against Shell, remember the cancelling of the investment multilateral agreement thanks to the Internet, remember the Etoys case.

With your help, INFOGUERRE has decided to call up the political power and the opinion on the vital stake that the maintain of this company in the European economy heritage represents.

To learn more about the GEMPLUS case : “Saving Private Gemplus”